Time Trials

The Latton Time Trial Series 2024

The 2024 season starts on 11 April with a 5 mile Prologue. The full series runs from 16 April to 22 August. NB there will be no event on 18 July due to the Royal International Air Tattoo.

Please note that there is a new sign on point at Carle’s Coffee.

The following will apply to the 2024 series and should be read in conjunction with the Series Handbook which can be found at the bottom of this page.

Signing On
Signing On at Carle’s Coffee on the spine road from 17:15 until approximately 18:00.

  • The entry fee is £5 per rider via contactless payment only. No cash will be accepted.
  • There will be no toilet or changing facilities at Signing On.
  • The use of working front and rear lights is compulsory in line with CTT regulation 14NO LIGHTS – NO RIDE
  • The use of a protective helmet is compulsory in line with CTT regulation 15NO HELMET – NO RIDE

At the start and during the Race

  • First rider to start at 18:16
  • Riders should arrive at the start no earlier than 3 minutes before their allotted start time.
  • Do not leave any clothing or other items at the start. Any items left will not be collected by the Timekeepers and you must not return to the start whilst the event is in progress.

After the Race

  • Riders return their numbers by placing them in the bag provided in the lay by after the finish
  • Do not approach the Finish Timekeeper as no times will be available.
  • Do not return to the start.
  • Results will be published below as soon as possible after the event.